Monday, June 21, 2010

The Arian Christian Synapse reflects the beliefs of Arian Christians. (The word ‘Arian’ should not be confused with the with the word ‘Aryan’ or racist ‘Aryan’ beliefs) Arian Christians believe that Jesus’ highest teachings are contained in the New Testament in Jesus’ own words as reported by the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke (The Arian Christian Bible). The namesake of these beliefs, St Arius of Alexandria, rejected the politically generated divinity of Jesus that was imposed by the Council of Nicaea, which was convened at the behest of Roman Emperor Constantine I in 325 AD. The purpose of this Council was to bring the structure of the Christian Church into conformity with the structure of the Roman Empire as the State Religion, that is; one religion, the Catholic (universal) Church; one theology, the Holy Trinity; and one religious leader, the Pope, and to form a basis for the suppression of other brands of Christianity.

Arian Christians are those who accept and live by the values expressed by Jesus of Nazareth in the New Testament of the Bible of tolerance, forgiveness and non-violence. Arians do not belong to any church nor do they accept the Old Testament views on God or against science.